Wednesday and Thursday nights were nice and relaxing! Wednesday I should have gone to my Ashtanga class but for some reason I just felt like staying home. I know that is not a good excuse at all, and I should really have any excuses, but I just didn't go. I will be more accountable next time.
Wednesday night I marinated pork in herb and garlic maranade and then cooked it in the grill pan, veggies were fresh orange, yellow and green peppers sauteed with okra with a little bit of butter. They tasted so good! And yams! I bought two yams at the store and I am glad I only made one for Justin and I to share because they are so filling and pretty big. I cut them thin, sprinkled a little bit of salt and a lot of cinnamon and then popped them in the oven at 375* for about 25 mins! Perfectly savory sweet!

Thursday I subbed for a music class at Suncrest Primary, it was fun. I enjoy making music with children and teaching them dances! After work I went to Hot Vinyasa for the first time! And it was very hot! I don't know exactly what the temperature was in the room but it felt hotter than 80* inside. I loved the class! You sweat out lots of toxins in your body, and I love that our teacher comes around a spritzes some aromatherapy for each person it smelled so good. I should ask what combo of essential oils it was. It smelled a little like rose, but something was heavy about the scent. It was great.
I cam home and whipped up another pretty tastie dinner! with...more yams!
Don't mind the hot dog, I didn't have time to maranate some pork so we had hotdogs, but they are actually not bad, quite salty though.
We had roasted garlic and olive oil couscous, this time I cooked the rest of the frozen okra in a little olive oil and then sprinkled in some Italian bread crumbs, so it was like faux-fried okra. genius! And of course more delicious yams! prepared in the same way. I like making the yams this way it is fast easy and gives lots of flavor with out tons of fat!
Tonight Justin and I are going to Happy Hour Yoga at BlissBlissBliss! I am so excited he is coming with me! It is a donation class so people with all kind of experience..or no experience can come! And you decide the price of the class!
Not sure what is on the menu for tonights dinner, but we are doing "Eat In Novemeber". Which means we are not going out to any restaurants this month! Unless it is someone elses treat. We won't turn you down if you want to take us to dinner! But for our own health and finance we are challenging ourselves not to go out to eat at all for one month! It is pretty fun, and we might do it again!
I hope you all have an amazing weekend! Anything exciting planned?!
OH I also forgot to post about my birthday! It was great! :) I guess it is a little late to post about...oh well! Here is a picture guess how old I am now!! :)
Off to Happy Hour Yoga!!! :)