Friday, April 1, 2011

Spring Break Overview

Well it is the end of the week and really I didn't get in as much exercise as I wanted to do this week, I have done quite a bit of shopping this week so I did some walking but not that much. I think in my normal job I get more walking in. I got my pedometer but yesterday I only walked 2623 steps for basically the whole day. So that is pretty sad. I didn't do any exercise yesterday, or even go for a walk. I think the weather has me not wanting to go outside because it is so cold especially for Spring. I really struggle with pushing myself to exercise alone. I love going to classes, but I can't really afford to go to a workout class everyday of the week. But I have my kickboxing class starting this coming Monday and Wednesday! So I am really looking forward to it. I know the first couple of classes are going to kick my butt, but I always push myself harder in classes because I don't want to be the one in the class that can't keep up. When I am working by myself on the other hand I have a tendency to slack, because no eyes are watching me. I am going to continue working out by myself and I even have a new work out video to try Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shed, so I am excited to try that out.

I need to get more Greek yogurt for my breakfast, since I bought some and it was fake Greek yogurt. I was not happy and it tasted gross. Don't buy Lucurene (Safeway's diary brand) Greek yogurt it isn't real they just add thickeners and milk protein concentrate.

Today's breakfast was Maple Frosted Mini Wheats with light vanilla soy milk and green tea.

Today's lunch was a turkey, broccoli, and cheese lean pocket and an apple with Cinnamon raisin swirl peanut butter (which tastes Delicious!)

and I don't really know what will be for dinner, but hopefully something good. I think I would like to have some salmon get my Omega-3's!! I'm watching Dr. Oz, and he says it is very important to get as many Omega-3's as you can get...I am pretty sure I don't get enough. Maybe I should get a supplement.

1 comment:

  1. Its great that you have learned ways to keep yourself motivated! Good job!


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